AscentCore Team

How to Develop a Cost-Efficient and High-Quality Mobile App

How to Develop a Cost-Efficient and High-Quality Mobile App

If you’re a business owner looking to expand and get more customers to care about your products or services, having a stable digital presence is integral. One essential way to increase customer engagement is to consider custom application development. When you design a mobile app, you provide a more personal experience for your prospects and […]

How to avoid bias in your Machine Learning models

How to avoid bias in your Machine Learning models

Machine learning (or ML) capabilities are very exciting and promising, but there are significant considerations to keep in mind when planning, implementing and deploying ML. One of the most sensitive topics in our industry is bias in machine learning because a biased system will lead to inaccurate results that could jeopardize the entire project. There […]

4 Digital Disruptions to Look Forward To

4 Digital Disruptions to Look Forward To

Living in the golden age of technology has made it impossible to predict the future. Mankind Is experiencing exponential technological developments that are unprecedented and have never before occurred in history. The world is constantly transforming, and entire industries have been disrupted in the space of several months. What Are Digital Disruptions? Digital disruptions are […]

Employee stories: Marius Mucenicu, Python Developer, on Values and Living Technology

Employee stories: Marius Mucenicu, Python Developer, on Values and Living Technology

Marius Mucenicu is our first employee and he had a valuable contribution to the growth of the company. He is a Python Developer, based in Cluj-Napoca, with a passion for technology. We sat down with him virtually to hear about his journey at AscentCore. Here’s what Marius had to say about his growth path, values, […]

How to Create a Good Idea Brief for Developers

How to Create a Good Idea Brief for Developers

Evolving technology has forced the business world to start thinking digitally to improve the customer experience and to stay competitive. For many businesses this means developing software or applications to fit their needs and those of their customers. If your business is thinking about a new software idea, you’ll need to find a developer who […]

Interactive voice ads driven by Artificial Intelligence

Interactive voice ads driven by Artificial Intelligence

Interactive voice ads are gaining popularity in the audio marketing field and music-streaming platforms. Major players including Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, and NBCUniversal have been experimenting with this format where a listener verbally interacts with ad content. Using voice recognition software to analyze vocal feedback, the platform can trigger a follow-up message based on the listener’s […]

All About Blockchain Technology: How It Provides Tighter Security for Computer Systems

All About Blockchain Technology: How It Provides Tighter Security for Computer Systems

With terms like Ethereum and NFT flooding our feeds – it’s no secret that Blockchain is becoming an increasingly popular technology. It provides tighter security for computer systems and ensures the validity of information on its network. Read our piece on this hot subject and learn about how it provides tighter security for your business’ computer systems.

Tips for Leaders and Virtual Teams during the Pandemic

Tips for Leaders and Virtual Teams during the Pandemic

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly every aspect of life. Work, school, and social interactions have all radically changed in the blink of an eye, requiring flexibility and quick thinking to adjust to new ways of living and working. Employees now have additional stressors on top of their commitments to their organization and if […]

4 Advantages of Having Custom Software Built for Your Business

4 Advantages of Having Custom Software Built for Your Business

Custom software is the best way to take your business to the next level. With custom development, you can choose a solution that meets all of your company’s unique requirements – from specific functionality and deployment preferences down to design elements like color scheme or font size. The result? A product tailored just for you!

5 Cardinal Rules of Effective Digital Transformation

5 Cardinal Rules of Effective Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has been the buzz phrase across many industries in the last few years. The buzz has become louder with the effects of COVID-19 worldwide. With hundreds, even thousands of businesses and organizations forced to reckon with the future of work, digital transformation has become more crucial than ever. No single definition can completely […]