Month: October 2023

Increasing User Engagement: AscentCore’s Predictive Models

Increasing User Engagement: AscentCore’s Predictive Models Increasing User Engagement: AscentCore's Predictive Model

In the ever-evolving landscape of media companies, increasing user engagement has become a challenging endeavor. The surge of data privacy concerns, constantly changing algorithms, and the overwhelming flow of information are just a few of the obstacles media professionals face. At AscentCore, we understand these challenges, and we’ve developed a solution that can revolutionize the […]

Immersive Experiences: Exploring AI And Virtual Reality In Media

Immersive Experiences: Exploring AI And Virtual Reality In Media AscentCore Immersive Experiences: Exploring AI and VR in media

Immersive experiences that combine AI and VR are reshaping the media and entertainment industry. From enhanced storytelling to interactive gaming, these technologies hold immense potential.Join us as we explore the impact of these technologies on the media landscape and uncover their exciting potential.

AscentCore Recognized As Romania’s Most Reviewed B2B Partner For 2023

AscentCore Recognized As Romania’s Most Reviewed B2B Partner For 2023 AscentCore recognized as Romania's most reviewd B2B partner 2023

We are happy to announce that AscentCore has received the Manifest Award for being recognized as Romania’s Most Reviewed B2B Partner for the year 2023. This achievement underscores our commitment to delivering exceptional services and solutions to our clients while maintaining a strong focus on building meaningful partnerships.

Oana Cutuș, Technical Manager, on the essential role people play in an organization and the hardship of riding a unicorn

Oana Cutuș, Technical Manager, on the essential role people play in an organization and the hardship of riding a unicorn

Okay, we admit we kind of tried to push it a bit with that clickbait title, but there’s a story there, trust us. Oana is our go-to source for amazing stories and great discussions over a cup of coffee. Our sit-down was meant for you to fully discover Oana like we are still trying, but we didn’t even start to scratch the surface. Whenever you get the chance, bribe her with a coffee and you won’t regret it.

She’s not only an amazing storyteller, but she’s also absolutely amazing to work with. Her team would vouch for that at any given moment, even if you wake them up in the middle of the night banging pans together.