Month: July 2022

AI Is Great, But It Won’t Solve All Your Problems

AI Is Great, But It Won’t Solve All Your Problems

AI has truly transformed the business world, from automating mundane tasks to enhancing sales forecasting. But AI is not a magic pill capable of solving every challenge an organization is facing. Deciding to implement an AI solution requires thoughtful consideration and strategic thinking to manage expectations for both internal stakeholders and customers. 

Camelia Baraian, Junior Software Engineer, On Internship Choices, Company Values and Transitioning to A Big Project

Camelia Baraian, Junior Software Engineer, On Internship Choices, Company Values and Transitioning to A Big Project

Cami has joined AscentCore through the internship program a while back and recently transitioned to one of our big projects. Challenging tasks, company values, talented people and great learning opportunities are some of the reasons for which she chose to join us. We sat down with her virtually to discover how she’s enjoying the new challenges brought by working on a big project as well as her future plans.

Data Is The Backbone of AI Problem Solving

Data Is The Backbone of AI Problem Solving

AI is unlocking new business opportunities every day and is transforming virtually every industry as we know it. AI will be able to solve problems that don’t even exist today but not without the help of data. Keep reading to discover just how big of a role data plays in problem solving .