Camelia Baraian, Junior Software Engineer, On Internship Choices, Company Values and Transitioning to A Big Project

Cami has joined AscentCore through the internship program a while back and recently transitioned to one of our big projects. Challenging tasks, company values, talented people and great learning opportunities are some of the reasons for which she chose to join us. We sat down with her virtually to discover how she’s enjoying the new challenges brought by working on a big project as well as her future plans.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I graduated from the Web Development course from The Informal School of It and right after I took part in a React internship for three months. AscentCore’s internship showed up as an opportunity to further improve my skills and I decided to join.

I am a friendly and sociable person who likes to be around people, who enjoys going out and socializing. In my spare time,I enjoy reading romance and mystery books, I love gardening and napping. 

You started at AscentCore through the internship program. What made you choose us and what appealed to you about the internship program?

The reason I chose AscentCore was because I felt that the company really values and respects its employees. What appealed me to the internship program was the way it was structured. I found it challenging because many tasks got me out of my comfort zone and I needed to do a lot of research work in order to complete them. Looking back, I’m grateful because throughout the internship program I’ve managed to get a good foundation for the next journey. 

Tell us about your proudest moment throughout the program.

The proudest moment throughout the internship was when my team and I presented the demo of our project. It was so satisfying to see the results of our 3month’s work. We did a great job together. 

How was the transition from internship to working on a big project? 

It was a big difference between the previous and the actual project. In the beginning I felt overwhelmed by the project size and the amount of new tools and frameworks, but I was lucky to have nice colleagues who helped and encouraged me every time I needed. Over time, I came to better understand the project and I started to enjoy working on it more and more. I am still learning something new everyday and I’m eager to dig deeper into this project.

What is a typical workday for you?

The work day starts by reading my emails and  slack messages. I make a list of discussion points for the daily meeting where we clarify which tasks should be prioritized.

While I work, there are usually more questions, to which I initially try to find the answer on my own, but I don’t always succeed, so I turn to my colleagues for help.

What is your favorite tech?

My favorite tech is JavaScript, because it has beautiful, minimalistic syntax and less concepts than other languages, but is turing-complete and capable of coding almost everything you want.

What is your favorite AscentCore value and why?

Integrity – is the solid foundation which something great and long-lasting can be built upon. For me it’s very important to trust the people I work with, somehow it has a big impact on how I collaborate with them. The integrity I feel around the company gives me purpose and makes me do my best in every task I get.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in your role?

The most important lesson I’ve learned in my role is that everything is possible if you really want it. With the right mindset and discipline you can achieve things that you’ve never even thought you’re capable of. 

What’s next in your career journey?

At this point all I have in mind is to keep improving my technical skills and focus on how to do my job better.

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