Using Counterfactuals To Overcome Data Bias & Increase Model Fairness

Data-based decision-making systems are increasingly affecting people’s lives. Such systems decide whose credit loan application is approved, who is invited for a job interview and who is accepted into university. This raises the difficult question of how to design these systems, so that they are compatible with fairness and justice norms. Clearly, this is not simply a technical question – the design of such systems requires an understanding of the social context of these applications and requires us to think about philosophical questions.

Over the past few years, the adoption of AI models has skyrocketed, and more decisions have been taken by such algorithms. Machine learning models provide good prediction results, but the predictions may not be interpretable most of the time. The wide adoption of such models and the decisions that already directly impact our lives and their use have led to rising concerns about the fairness and trustworthiness of such models.
In 2018 a study was commissioned by the Council of Europe’s Committee of experts on human rights. It was prompted by concerns about the potential adverse consequences of advantages of digital technologies, including AI, within a Human Rights Framework. An important aspect of the study was conducted around the ethics of AI. Ethics in AI represents guarding against certain kinds of discrimination and, if possible, encoding the abstract concept of fairness into the system. Even if we are trying to capture, encode and program such guards into the trained models, other complex data patterns might capture the bias and make it invisible to such guards. A fair dataset will produce fair models, but the machine learning models are only as good as the data they are trained on: ”bias in, bias out”.

Counterfactuals in XAI

In the field of XAI, counterfactuals provide interpretations to reveal what changes would be necessary in order to receive the desired prediction, rather than an explanation to understand why the current situation had a certain prediction. Counterfactuals help the user understand what features need to be changed in order to achieve a certain outcome and thus infer which features influence the model the most. Counterfactual instances can be found by iterative perturbing of the input features until the desired prediction or a prediction different than the original outcome is obtained. We focus on searching for a counterfactual solution in the input space to capture an unfair decision on the part of the model and mitigate bias or simply emphasize a wrong decision-making behavior caused by a bad data structure.
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Counterfactuals in XAI

Over the past few years, the adoption of AI models has skyrocketed, and more decisions have been taken by such algorithms. Machine learning models provide good prediction results, but the predictions may not be interpretable most of the time. The wide adoption of such models and the decisions that already directly impact our lives and their use have led to rising concerns about the fairness and trustworthiness of such models.
In 2018 a study was commissioned by the Council of Europe’s Committee of experts on human rights. It was prompted by concerns about the potential adverse consequences of advantages of digital technologies, including AI, within a Human Rights Framework. An important aspect of the study was conducted around the ethics of AI. Ethics in AI represents guarding against certain kinds of discrimination and, if possible, encoding the abstract concept of fairness into the system. Even if we are trying to capture, encode and program such guards into the trained models, other complex data patterns might capture the bias and make it invisible to such guards. A fair dataset will produce fair models, but the machine learning models are only as good as the data they are trained on: ”bias in, bias out”.

Research Scope

The scope of this research is to reduce the bias toward a specific feature or a set of features in the training dataset to increase the model fairness without altering the correlation value between the rest of the features on the outcome. The paper focuses on measuring the quality of the generated counterfactuals, their impact on the feature importance / corre- lation, and increasing the model’s fairness with each batch of generated counterfactuals.

The experiment uses a modified Adult dataset where we hand-picked the training data such that the outcome should favor a single gender. Calculating the correlation ma- trix will evidentiate the impact of gender on the salary status column. The experiment aims to use synthetically generated counterfactuals in the training dataset to reduce the decision bias towards a set of specific features.
The proposed method uses an evolutive algorithm (Genetic Algorithm) to generate new potential solutions in the defined searching domain close to the predicted input but generate a different result. The experiment is executed in multiple iterations by trying to generate counterfactuals for a batch of x input data, selecting the generated solutions whose number of changes is less than a threshold, introducing the input data with the counterfactual outcome back into the training dataset, and retraining the model and repeating the experiment with never seen data

Sample Counterfactual

Having the model trained on the proposed original dataset will introduce a heavy decision bias towards a specific gender. By trying to generate the counterfactuals we aim to seek the results that have a different outcome for a small, set by a threhold, amount of changes.


The counterfactuals were generated using seven iterations, each consisting of a batch of 1,000 samples for measurements and counterfactuals. The decrease of accepted solutions with each iteration results from an increase in model robustness and a proof that the generating algorithm finds fewer solutions or the found solutions have too many changes to be accepted. To evaluate the model fairness update, a benchmark dataset was used after each new batch of synthetic data was pushed back into the training dataset, and the model was updated. After each benchmark, we extracted the number of times each feature was changed for both generated and accepted solutions. For the initial iteration, Gender was the primary feature that was changed to generate a potential solution (696 potential solutions, 302 passing the threshold). As the model is updated and the fairness is corrected, later iterations observed a decrease in solutions with changes in Gender and mainly focused on other, more relevant to the real-world features, such as Age, Education Num and Hours per Week.

We computed the correlation matrix between each input feature against the output column (Salary Status) to monitor the influence of each feature on the outcome at the training dataset level. As shown in the figure below, the Gender feature influence on the outcome was highly diminished without significantly impacting the rest of the features. There are also other features that capture a personal characteristic, such as race, but since the original training data was not biased toward race, the feature importance of this column was not changed at the end of the iterative process. Also, features that do not contain any personal characteristic (e.g. Occupation, Hours per Week, Education) suffered a minor change at the end of the iterative process thus maintaining the original data characteristics.

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AscentCore Labs

Using Counterfactuals To Overcome Data Bias & Increase Model Fairness

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