Tag: Technical Manager

Oana Cutuș, Technical Manager, on the essential role people play in an organization and the hardship of riding a unicorn

Oana Cutuș, Technical Manager, on the essential role people play in an organization and the hardship of riding a unicorn

Okay, we admit we kind of tried to push it a bit with that clickbait title, but there’s a story there, trust us. Oana is our go-to source for amazing stories and great discussions over a cup of coffee. Our sit-down was meant for you to fully discover Oana like we are still trying, but we didn’t even start to scratch the surface. Whenever you get the chance, bribe her with a coffee and you won’t regret it.

She’s not only an amazing storyteller, but she’s also absolutely amazing to work with. Her team would vouch for that at any given moment, even if you wake them up in the middle of the night banging pans together.

Georgiana Preduca, on her journey to becoming a very skilled and creative Technical Manager, as well as a LinkedIn expert

Georgiana Preduca, on her journey to becoming a very skilled and creative Technical Manager, as well as a LinkedIn expert

Whether you’re ever in need of someone to craft very – and we do mean VERY – professional LinkedIn posts, or DIY projects that include wiring and electronics, Georgiana Preduca is the one you need. Extremely skillful, creative, and resourceful, she’s not your usual Technical Manager, after all, she’s really into espionage movies and shows, so… We kept our discussion not short, but effective and very insightful, so let’s dive right into today’s story with Georgiana!