
A sample of our work and insights shared by the experts at AscentCore.

On this AscentCore Talks edition, our CTO Cornel Stefanache sat down with 'Señor' Cezar Derevlean to talk about state-of-the-art happenings in the world of front-end web development.

Unlock the secrets to cultivating an organizational culture that embraces AI innovation. In our blog post, we delve deep into the practices that enable businesses to create an environment favorable to AI exploration and integration. Learn how to foster a growth mindset that encourages employees to see challenges as opportunities for growth, and how to promote collaboration among teams and departments to drive innovative solutions.

Discover the transformative impact of AI on cybersecurity and unlock innovative solutions to defend your organisation from evolving threats. Delve deeper into the realms of behaviour-based authentication, advanced threat detection, and automated incident response. Read more for the full article.

Discover how to navigate the ethical concerns in AI. Mitigate bias, ensure transparency, protect privacy, establish guidelines and more.

Discover how AI technology is propelling the automotive industry forward into a new era of innovation and efficiency. Explore how AI enhances vehicle safety, entertainment, manufacturing processes and more.

Discover practical strategies to overcome applied AI challenges, such as data quality, technical expertise, and ethical considerations. Explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in reshaping the business landscape.

On this AscentCore Talks edition, our CTO Cornel Stefanache sat down with 'Señor' Cezar Derevlean to talk about state-of-the-art happenings in the world of front-end web development.

Unlock the secrets to cultivating an organizational culture that embraces AI innovation. In our blog post, we delve deep into the practices that enable businesses to create an environment favorable to AI exploration and integration. Learn how to foster a growth mindset that encourages employees to see challenges as opportunities for growth, and how to promote collaboration among teams and departments to drive innovative solutions.

Discover the transformative impact of AI on cybersecurity and unlock innovative solutions to defend your organisation from evolving threats. Delve deeper into the realms of behaviour-based authentication, advanced threat detection, and automated incident response. Read more for the full article.

Discover how to navigate the ethical concerns in AI. Mitigate bias, ensure transparency, protect privacy, establish guidelines and more.

Discover how AI technology is propelling the automotive industry forward into a new era of innovation and efficiency. Explore how AI enhances vehicle safety, entertainment, manufacturing processes and more.

Discover practical strategies to overcome applied AI challenges, such as data quality, technical expertise, and ethical considerations. Explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in reshaping the business landscape.

Digital transformation has become more than just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental shift in how enterprises operate and deliver value to their customers. In today’s

Sure, fixing the family computer at an early age usually makes you turn into that "Hackerman" meme character, but other times it just helps you guide your career path to ultimately becoming a great software engineer. One such amazing software engineer we sat down to talk to is Codrin Alexandru. Read all about it, folks, as Codrin answers our questions and talks with us about his favorite tech and how important values are in building both your personal and professional life.

2023 marks a significant milestone in AscentCore's history - our 5-year anniversary. It's not just another year; it's a year of growth, self-reflection, and the reaffirmation of our core values - Results, Integrity, and Relationships. It's a year of both giving back and receiving well-deserved recognition. In summary, it's one of the most meaningful milestones in our journey so far.

We dare you to find a more down-to-earth and attentive person than Cristina. She's been with us for a while now, starting with our Internship Program this year, and, as well as her colleagues, stayed on the projects after the internship ended. A great success for them, for us, for everyone involved, as we all had something to win.

In the ever-evolving landscape of media companies, increasing user engagement has become a challenging endeavor. The surge of data privacy concerns, constantly changing algorithms, and

Immersive experiences that combine AI and VR are reshaping the media and entertainment industry. From enhanced storytelling to interactive gaming, these technologies hold immense potential.Join us as we explore the impact of these technologies on the media landscape and uncover their exciting potential.