A sample of our work and insights
shared by the experts at AscentCore

Liviu Sopon, Software Engineer, on turning long-time passions into a successful career in programming

We had a sit down with Liviu to discuss a whole bunch of topics and it genuinely turned into an amazing talk about how passions helped him become a really talented Software Engineer. All in all, our discussion about a typical work day and spending personal time, as well as his career path lead us to deeper topics, with amazing references, such as the Great Filter or the Triforce, as well as great info sources, but you really have to read his Employee Story to catch onto these topics.

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Lights, Camera, AI: How AI Is Impacting the Media Industry

Discover the Impact AI has on the Media Industry. From revolutionizing content creation to personalized recommendations and beyond, delve into the profound ways AI has transformed the media landscape. Uncover the benefits, navigate the ethical considerations, and find the perfect balance between AI automation and human creativity. Read the full article to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of media and entertainment.

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Cristian Bodnar, Director of Engineering, about creating your own best practices and making an impact through your day-to-day work

Cristi is one of a kind, they truly broke the mold after they made him. We love discussing with Cristi because every time we find out something new about him and how he does what he does. He is a – let’s say self-made – Director of Engineering at AscentCore and he may describe his work like Forrest Gump describes life comparing it with a box of chocolates: ‘you never know what you’ll gonna get’ when you come in every day. Cristi talked with us about creating your very own best practices, implementing your own style, and making it work, as well as a lot of stories but nevertheless, with emphasis on making an impact through what you do through your work.

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AscentCore - Creating an organizational culture for innovation and adoption of AI

Creating an Organizational Culture for Innovation and Adoption of AI

Unlock the secrets to cultivating an organizational culture that embraces AI innovation. In our blog post, we delve deep into the practices that enable businesses to create an environment favorable to AI exploration and integration. Learn how to foster a growth mindset that encourages employees to see challenges as opportunities for growth, and how to promote collaboration among teams and departments to drive innovative solutions.

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AscentCore - The impact of AI on cybersecurity solutions

The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity Solutions

Discover the transformative impact of AI on cybersecurity and unlock innovative solutions to defend your organisation from evolving threats. Delve deeper into the realms of behaviour-based authentication, advanced threat detection, and automated incident response. Read more for the full article.

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Oana Cutuș, Technical Manager, on the essential role people play in an organization and the hardship of riding a unicorn

Okay, we admit we kind of tried to push it a bit with that clickbait title, but there’s a story there, trust us. Oana is our go-to source for amazing stories and great discussions over a cup of coffee. Our sit-down was meant for you to fully discover Oana like we are still trying, but we didn’t even start to scratch the surface. Whenever you get the chance, bribe her with a coffee and you won’t regret it.

She’s not only an amazing storyteller, but she’s also absolutely amazing to work with. Her team would vouch for that at any given moment, even if you wake them up in the middle of the night banging pans together.

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