Oana Cutuș, Technical Manager, on the essential role people play in an organization and the hardship of riding a unicorn

Okay, we admit we kind of tried to push it a bit with that clickbait title, but there’s a story there, trust us. Oana is our go-to source for amazing stories and great discussions over a cup of coffee. Our sit-down was meant for you to fully discover Oana like we are still trying, but we didn’t even start to scratch the surface. Whenever you get the chance, bribe her with a coffee and you won’t regret it.

She’s not only an amazing storyteller, but she’s also absolutely amazing to work with. Her team would vouch for that at any given moment, even if you wake them up in the middle of the night banging pans together.

Tell us a bit about yourself. How does Oana usually spend her personal time?

I’d love to share a bit about myself and how I usually spend my personal time. First and foremost, my family means the world to me so I make it a priority to create meaningful moments with them. On the other hand, I’m also quite focused on my career. I’m passionate about my work and believe in the value of setting goals and pushing myself to give my best. Whether it’s tackling challenging projects or seeking opportunities for professional growth, I’m all in. Balancing my family and career is important, and I believe in the power of effective time management to make it all work.

One of my greatest joys is exploring new places and cultures through travel. I’ve always been captivated by the world’s diversity, and I make it a point to embark on adventures whenever I can. Whether it’s hiking through scenic landscapes or immersing myself in the local vibe of a new city, those experiences enrich my perspective and fuel my sense of wanderlust.

And of course, staying active is a vital part of my routine. I’m a firm believer that a healthy body supports a healthy mind. You’ll often find me engaging in various sports – from morning jogs and gym sessions to trying out new outdoor activities.

In essence, I’m a person who treasures family bonds, strives for professional success, seeks new horizons through travel, and embraces an active lifestyle. It’s about weaving together these threads to create a fulfilling and vibrant tapestry of life experiences.

What led you on your career path, to ultimately become a Technical Manager?

From my early childhood, a strong enthusiasm for mathematics and logic had already taken root within me. This passion grew stronger after I started school and delved deeper into these disciplines. Having these interests, choosing to pursue a degree in computer science was an organic decision.

My journey to becoming a Technical Manager was driven by a combination of my passion for technology and my natural leadership abilities.

With accumulating experience in technical roles, I began to recognize that my enjoyment of the technical aspects of my work was complemented by a natural talent for guiding and supporting my peers. This inclination led me to naturally assume mentorship roles and to shoulder extra responsibilities that involved orchestrating and supervising teams.

The transition to becoming a Technical Manager felt like a logical step for me, as it allowed me to leverage my technical background to guide and support my team in achieving their goals.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

My day begins with taking my kid to school, after which I head straight to the office, typically among the early arrivals. I take advantage of these quiet moments to check my emails and messages.

As my colleagues gradually trickle in, I make my way to the kitchen for a freshly brewed coffee – by the way – we have delicious coffee :).

After this refreshing coffee break I review my calendar and prioritize tasks for the day, tasks that can include project management, meetings, mentoring, and coding when I find the time or is needed.

What is your favorite tech?

You never completely let go of your first love, so I would definitely mention PHP and MySQL but I really enjoy Python and Typescript too.

What’s the best piece of tech-related media you’ve read/watched/listened to?

I don’t have a single favorite. I prefer gathering information from diverse sources, including online publications, LinkedIn, YouTube, and podcasts, and I also find conferences quite valuable.

Which is your favorite AscentCore value and why?

‘People’ –  Not one of AscentCore’s main values, but this particular one is especially significant to me as it highlights the essential role of the individuals within our organization. To me, this value signifies a deep commitment to not only the professional development but also the personal well-being of every team member.

This principle acts as my compass, inspiring me to lead with compassion, mentor colleagues, and continuously seek ways to empower and uplift those around me. Essentially, the ‘People’ value encapsulates the core of establishing a flourishing, cooperative, and socially conscious organization, which is why it resonates as my favorite.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in your time here at AscentCore?

Together we are stronger and each individual is making a meaningful contribution to the ultimate outcome.

Oh, and I’ve learned that a unicorn is not that easy to ride :)) .

AscentCore celebrates its 5-year anniversary this year. Could you share your favorite moment from your time in the company? What are you most excited about for the years to come?

Oh, but I have so many of them, from the Prosecco party to the greatest professional achievements on the project. However, one that will always stand out is the incredible birthday surprise I found on my desk (or should I say, my entire desk was the present).

I’m genuinely thrilled to witness AscentCore’s growth while maintaining our values.  Moreover, I’m exceptionally proud to be a member of this remarkable team!


AscentCore Labs

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AscentCore Labs

Using Counterfactuals To Overcome Data Bias & Increase Model Fairness

For businesses across every industry, the customer experience is more important than ever. In a time when a brand’s success is often closely tied to customer loyalty, finding ways to improve and optimize customer service is critical. Keep reading for five AI-powered solutions that can help businesses transform and enhance their customer experience.