Case Study
Industry - Cybersecurity

Case Study

Industry - Cybersecurity

The Project

Operating a unique cloud-based, crowdsourcing platform that powers a marketplace where cyber analysts are incentivized to proactively hunt for and collaboratively verify the presence of a breach. Offering services that use crowdsourcing to work through probable attack scenarios, identify new attacks and threat groups. All malicious behavior is mapped and reported against the MITRE ATT&CK framework for a more effective threat hunt. By allowing multiple analysts to work on the same investigation the results are more accurate and are identified much faster. Enabling collaboration within the platform the content created by analysts generates an ever-growing threat intelligence database.

Services Provided

  • Frontend web application
  • API middleware

Solutions Provided

  • Frontend application and admin panel via a custom web application
  • API middleware as glue between 418 systems, communication with external vendors and clients.


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